Welcome to this space. Find out about my in-person and virtual offerings involving “the soulful body”, through energy work, body consciousness, embodiment, and mindfulness. Whether you want to experience what I have come to call Jin Shin Jyutsu – Being in Movement in your own body, through in-person classes, in online offerings or through blog articles, this is where all those paths converge. Or, if you first want to find out more about myself and my path, follow this link right here.
A meeting in person allows for way more than a mere verbal exchange. The added dimensions of physical presence, of touch and of shared space make both in-person classes and one-on-one individual work unique. Find all dates for workshops and session intensives here; For more on their contents refer to the “workshops and sessions” section.
Online learning allows you to stay in your own space and follow your personal rhythm. It also lets you repeat content at will, so no wonder it’s become an asset many wouldn’t want to do without.
Counter-intuitively perhaps, my online formats were created to give feeling and sensing their own, amplified space. While feeling exercises do have their natural home in in-person classes and are never missing in any of mine, here they become repeatable – allowing you to “take them home” in every sense of the word. Follow this path to all my online offerings, some free and some for pay.
Whether you’d like to find our more about my work, book an appointment for an individual session or Zoom consultation, or organize a workshop in your area, don’t hesitate to contact me. Email is generally the most efficient.